Sunday, January 24, 2010


Here's my first trial blog! I am hoping to keep everyone up to date with the Gambrill adventures as we embark on our first overseas experience. For those who don't know we are heading to Suzhou, China in a little less than 5 weeks. We're packing up the kids and taking off!

We have just left Reuben for a sleepover. It is eerily quiet in the backyard, I didn't think I would miss the random barks at possums and birds in the trees. I also made him dinner and then realised he wasn't there...yes feeling a bit sad now. He seems to be settling well, I however am not feeling settled at all.

It is fast becoming reality after garage sale, car selling (hopeful) and dog re-homing (was hopeful, not necessary anymore, just sad; I guess it's a bit like a child that no longer 'needs' you as they set off on their own adventures).

The kids are desperate to leave; although the reality is far from what they can understand at the moment. I'm not looking forward to the realisation when it does set in. Jaden cried all the way home after we dropped off Reuben.

This post is the beginning of the next chapter for the Gambrill's. I'm looking forward to what the future will bring for us!

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